Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Drew Curtis, the creator of the popular website Fark.com came to Luther College this semester to discuss his new book It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass off Crap as News. His humor won over the audience, mostly composed of college students, immediately and his power-point of misleading/silly articles kept them engaged. He is the founder of a website created to display daily new articles and other items from various websites.  Most of the articles on his website you will be surprised even hit the press, which brings the attention to what our society is publishing and thinks is important.

Though his lecture was very interesting, what I found must amazing was how intrigued my fellow schoolmates where about the news. I was even surprised with myself. After his lecture I found myself actually reading the news. Sadly, I feel that since students spend so much time surrounded by their school work and school activities we often forget about the world around us. We need to make sure students are getting immersed in today's news, so they are not ignorant to what is happening around them.

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