Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just as we expect our students to want to come to school every day, we should expect the same from our educators. The environment of the school should be a place a teacher feels welcomed and a part of a community. In order for a teacher to reach his/her full potential, the school needs to make sure the teacher's hierarchy of needs is met. Abraham Maslow's created the Hierarchy of Needs, which believes that in order for a person to reach "Self-Actualization", the individual must have their other needs taken care of first. For example, if we expect teachers to be creative, problem solvers, who lack prejudice, we should make sure that they are getting enough pay, so they do not have to worry about financial issues. We should make sure that their work environment is safe and they they feel accepted. Also, recognition of a job well done will help their self-esteem. When a teacher's Physiological, Safely, Love/Belonging, and Esteem have all been taken care of then he/she can focus on their teaching without having to worry about other things. Too often are teachers concerned with their pay or not being appreciated, that it shows through their teaching. However, the most important thing is that a teacher sincerely wants to be a teacher.

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